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The module is used to record basic data on all building areas, lands, land parcels, objects, floors, sections of buildings, rooms, etc.

The module allows:

  • Monitor and analyze areas and premises according to various criteria – types and categories of premises, usability of areas, rentability of areas, method of costing, price categories, area in m2 and so on.
  • The use for the needs of other modules, such as “Management and Rentals”, in Energy and Service module it is possible to use areas for the purpose of costing, etc.
  • Analyses and evaluations in the form of reports and color classifications in drawings.

The Areas and Premises module can use two methods of operation – group of premises method or individual premises method:

  • Group of areas (premises) method allows to record whole groups of areas (premises) according to a specific criterion (e.g. tenants or company departments) without dealing with individual areas in detail (e.g. rooms).
  • Individual areas (premises) method is based on the recording of individual areas (e.g. rooms, parking lots, production areas). Subsequently, the individual rooms are then grouped as needed in individual modules that use area information.