We are a partner you can rely on
The mission of our company is to develop and offer software and services in the field of graphic information systems. Our goal is not just to deliver software. We also help with its deployment and introduction into your everyday life.
Our strength is our extensive experience and close cooperation with experts from the field of technical equipment of buildings and line construction. These authorities advice help to continuously improve our programs from a technical point of view.
CHASTIA was founded by the Stanek family. Three generations of it have been involved in the development of the family business.
The company CHASTIA, s. r. o., has 4 branches: One in Prague in the Czech Republic and three in Slovakia namely in Bratislava, Košice and Poprad.
Establishment of 3 branches of CHASTIA, s.r.o.
EnergyCamp – The first international professional conference alternated with the FM Camp conference.
Expansion Abroad – Strengthening the sales team and expanding to Czech Republic, Algeria, Russia.
Establishment of CHASTIA s.r.o.
Start of Chastia FM software development, then called Galileo.
Establishment of TERMOKLIMA, today this became company is our subsidiary.
Responsible for company management, business activities and software development.
Vyštudoval Elektrotechnickú fakultu ČVUT v Prahe, pôsobil ako Microsoft Student Partner a v rokoch 2006-2016 bol ocenený spoločnosťou Microsoft ako Microsoft Most Valuable Professional za oblasť vývoja software.
Responsible for corporate governance and energy consulting
Od roku 1994 konateľom a vedúcim projektantom v spoločnosti TERMOKLIMA s.r.o. pre projektovanie TZB s orientáciou najmä na centrálne zásobovanie teplom. Metodicky sa podieľa na vývoji software Chastia FM.
Software deployment and customer support
Vyštudoval Fakultu podnikového manažmentu EU v Bratislave. V spoločnosti Maspex Slovakia Trade s.r.o. sa zaoberal plánovaním predaja (SK a CZ trh). Nadobudnuté skúsenosti by chcel v rámci tímu využiť pri implementácii nových projektov.
Software deployment and customer support
Ukončil štúdium na Materiálovotechnologickej fakulte STU v Trnave. V spoločnosti Dalkia a.s. pracoval na pozícii energetik. Od roku 2011 je súčasťou tímu CHASTIA. V rámci nášho tímu má veľké skúsenosti v oblasti energetiky.
Responsible for business activities CHASTIA CZ
She graduated from the University of Nancy II in France, In previous jobs she has held posittions of International Corporate Account Manager and Senior Property Manager. She has been part of our CHASTIA family since 2020.
Software deployment and customer support
Smart-monitoring solution with comprehensive energy management.
Počas štúdia na fakulte FEI TU začal zbierať skúsenosti v oblasti telekomunikačných sietí. Ako projektový manažér má zodpovednosť za projekt eIoT,ktorého cieľom je vzdialený smart-monitoring s komplexným energetickým manažmentom.
Software deployment and customer support
Responsible for communication with customers
She graduated from the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Management and Geotechnology in Košice. She worked for a company operating in the field of property and FM management. She has been part of our Chastia family since 2020.
Software deployment and customer support
He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Department of Building Services Engineering. He has been working in CHASTIA, s.r.o. since 2021 and he focuses on energy management.
Software deployment and customer support
He is a graduate of the Secondary Industrial School.Since 2012, he has worked for a development company. He provided technical management of individual buildings. He has been working in CHASTIA since 2021.
Software deployment and customer support
She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Banská Bystrica. For 9 years, she has held the position of trainer in the field of products and soft skills in the insurance industry. He has been working in CHASTIA since 2022.